Online Feature

We are currently open to submissions for the feature!

Please see below for our full guidelines—if you would like to be notified of openings, closings, and more, consider subscribing to our mailing list. If you have questions, please send them to We will try our best to respond within a week.

Separate from our online and in-print issues, we also publish work online under specific genres. This time, we’re looking for poems written primarily in Spanish, accompanied with an English translation or not. Ideally, we will publish no fewer than ten pieces online before we close. Accepted pieces will be published online over the course of the reading period, which will close when we have accepted enough work. The purpose of this issue is, true to our mission, to illuminate voices that may be receding in a predominantly English-speaking market. The truth is, though, that most of our readers are not bilingual—thus, this feature will provide English translations for all pieces in order to make the work more widely accessible.


As with regular submissions, Acedia only publishes poetry, in any of its forms. Please submit up to three pieces. Though this feature will contain English translation of all work, it is optional whether your submission is accompanied by one. All we require is poetry written in Spanish, and if there is no translation we will provide one ourselves, verifying it with the author before publishing. If you have any questions about this process, contact our queries address. To submit, send an email to Please include the phrase “Online Feature” in the heading. If you use the regular submission form, it is unlikely that your work will be read.


Acedia Journal happily considers simultaneous submissions, provided that you notify us if a piece is accepted elsewhere. In such an event, please reply to your original submission to have one or more of your poems withdrawn.

We classify work as “previously published” if it has appeared in any form on the internet or any other permanent archive. If a piece has appeared either visually or aurally on a blog, personal website, or social media platform, it should not be submitted.

Though we do not accept previously published work, we do permit the republication of poetry that has appeared on our website. You may reprint your work in any permanent venue so long as you credit Acedia as its first publisher. See the legal section of our policies page for more details.

Reprints & Simultaneous Submissions

Response Time & Feedback

Please allow us up to three months to produce a decision, though we often respond sooner. If you have not received a response to your submission after eight weeks, you may inquire about its status by emailing our queries address. Regular submissions do not receive feedback of any kind.

Though our submissions will always be free, we offer benefits for donors:

  • Expedited response time (two weeks or sooner) for $5+

  • One paragraph of detailed feedback for $5+

Please note that whether or not you choose to donate to us will not affect our decision. If you do choose to donate, please make sure it is under the same name as your submission—we’re unable to verify the payment otherwise.

Make a donation here.

In your submission, we ask that you include the following components:

  • A title, which will not affect the likelihood of acceptance.

  • A short, third-person biography describing relevant accomplishments or anything else you would like to include.

  • Your submission, in the form of a .docx or .pdf attachment. We prefer 12pt font and Times New Roman, with each poem beginning on a new page.

Cover letters are appreciated, but not required!
