Policies & Details
Acedia Journal reserves First North American Serial Rights with an exclusivity period that lasts until we have published the complete issue. Upon such publication, all rights revert to the poet who is free to reprint their work elsewhere so long as we are properly cited. By submitting to us, you affirm that you maintain all rights to your work. Once published, your work may not be removed from our website without explicit consent from the Editor. If you want something taken down, please contact them at editor@acediajournal.com.
Though we currently do not provide monetary compensation, we hope to become a paying market in the near future. If you would like to support us, consider donating, purchasing an issue, following us on social media, or subscribing to our newsletter!
We pledge not to use any of our funds for personal benefit.
Derivative Works
We gladly accept all forms of derivative works, such as found, pastiche, or “after” poems. According to the Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Poetry funded by The Poetry Foundation, “[u]nder fair use, a poet may make use of quotations from existing poetry, literary prose, and non-literary material, if these quotations are re-presented in poetic forms that add value through significant imaginative or intellectual transformation, whether direct or (as in the case of poetry-generating software) indirect.” Please take particularly careful note of this when submitting derivative works—especially those inspired or aided by text-generating AI.
With this being said, we are strict about the type of work we publish. There will be no publication or support for any work generated significantly by AI or another author, and we reserve the right to remove a poet from all our platforms should we discover plagiarism in their work. When submitting a piece inspired or aided in a minor capacity by AI, we request that you indicate as much and provide in your poetry file any resources you think would be useful in the discussion of your “intellectual transformation.”
If you choose to submit any type of derivative work to us, please include a link or copy of the original source when applicable. Collaborative poetry is not permitted. Should you have any doubts about the above information, please query before submitting.
See below for legal, pecuniary, and derivative work guidelines. If any questions persist, contact us at queries@acediajournal.com.